bound and determined

Being organized when planning a meeting is not an easy thing.  The bigger the event, the more moving parts there are.  When planning our annual meeting, I often feel like the guy at the circus who comes out with his spinning plates and his skinny sticks on which to balance them.

I have found a few things, though, that have been incredibly helpful tools to keeping all those plates in the air. Continue reading

happy new year!

O, joy!  What great news!  The CIC has announced that they have revised the CMP application process!  Their press release makes it sound as though they’ve really streamlined and simplified the process, and the new application goes into effect on January 1, 2010.  Happy New Year, indeed!

The release also says that now that the application has been streamlined, they’re turning their focus to simplifying the recertification process, too.  Yay!

singing for your supper

O, what times are these?  Jobs are hard to keep, and harder to find.  I’m blessed to be employed, but I’m not taking that status for granted, and neither should you.

Keep your resume updated.  If you lose your job, your head won’t be in a good place for creating a shining example of who you are as a job candidate, so make sure that all you have to do is minor tweaks, not a major overhaul if (when!!) the time comes. Continue reading

tell me what you want

I’m really asking.  I’ve been writing this blog for over a year, and I’ve never asked!

What would you like to know more about?

What subject matter can I research and write about?

What topics do you care about?

Saving money?  Negotiating better contracts?  Working smarter not harder?

Do you need inspiration?  Motivation?  Or just knowledge?

Tell me.

hey, i know you!

Brand name talent.  Ugh.  And, aahhh.  There’s nothing like working with a professional speaker/singer/entertainer, is there?

They’re a pain in the backside, and they’re a blessing.  They know exactly what they’re supposed to do, and they usually do it exceedingly well.  But they can be SO high maintenance, SO expensive, and SO intimidating!  Are they worth the trouble?

Yes.* Continue reading

meetings mean business

Planners!  We need to step up and speak out against the negative view the government seems to have taken regarding the corporate groups whose legitimate meetings have come under fire.  Visit Meetings Mean Business, a web site designed by the U.S. Travel Association, to get educated on the facts, the steps you can take, and what our industry means to the U.S. economy.

For example, the meetings industry is directly responsible for 1 million jobs in this country – that’s 0.6% of all the jobs in this country.  Not a small industry, and certainly not made up of frivolous events that are completely unnecessary.  If the government steps in and eliminates the ability for businesses to host their meetings, we’ll all be in a world of hurt.

Get out there and spread the word!

Update: You can send an email or a letter to your congressman via this site.  The U.S. Travel Association has pre-written a great letter with pertinent facts and information that your government representative can use to help the cause!